Thursday, 27 November 2008


The true spirit of Christmas?
This year it’s been taken literally by 25 year old Matthew Meyritz (Matt) who is organising a Christmas meal for the homeless in Canterbury, inspired by Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food.

On 1st December homeless and drifters will be welcome at St Peters Hall for warm drinks, food, and to enjoy the evening which will include a quire’s music.

Market crisis for who?
The market crisis is leaving the majority of the people filing the streets sorry for themselves, because they won’t be buying as many Christmas gifts as usual. But as Matt reminds, does anyone step back and realise there are some who don’t have the luxury of being affected by it at all because they are already at rock bottom?

“I hope to achieve a level of awareness for the people who have very little to nothing at all at Christmas and through out the year. I would like to make people try to pass on this idea around the country if not the world”, he says.

Pub Chef inspired by Jamie Oliver
Working as a chef in a local pub, The New Inn in Canterbury, his free time has recently been entirely dedicated to the organisational process of the Christmas meal he intends to give to as many homeless as possible. He can be found running round town between meetings with council, charity and company representatives, and handing out leaflets to beggars, determined to make -what seems the first of many- projects work.

Matt says he was inspired by Jamie Oliver’s venture to encouraging healthier and affordable food habits with his Ministry of Food and Pass It On projects and came up with this ‘spin off’ idea to gather homeless and drifters for a meal together, in collaboration with the Scrine Foundation supporting people in need.

Relying on his own limited economic resources and contagious positivity, he is quickly attracting the attention of people keen to become a part of this special Christmas initiative.

Taking the first step
“One’s just got to do it, and he really is!” Says a friend from the pub. This small whirlwind of events and people has truly inspired a breeze of inspiration in Canterbury reminding how easy it really can be to make a difference and give life to the meaning of what the Christmas spirit should be all about.

When speaking of the many things on his checklist yet to be done before the Christmas meal, his wide open eyes look so serene and happy, it is unbelievable to see with what ease and pragmatism Matt will pull off such a special day for so many.

Matt is surprised at the reaction he has had from friends and others. “Since I started making moves for my idea it’s amazing how many people want to be a part of it. Everyone wants to help”, he says.

It just took someone like Matt to take the first step for others to see how easy it is to do one’s small part for the larger picture, which for Matt, never seems to be too ambitious to be worth attempting. A Facebook group has been set up for anyone who wants to be a part, help out or to donate some money.

What better place than the birth town of British Christianism
The usual Christmas motto of generosity and good intentions this year will not merely resound of shuffling presents and shopping. It looks as though in the cathedral city of Canterbury, this Christmas is truly going to be about giving. With a sparkle in his gaze Matt says:
“I hope this could become a tradition to be repeated every year”.

Directed to the homeless, anyone will be welcome to come along and celebrate the season together. The meals will be free and donations appreciated by those able.

For more info & to donate visit Matt's website

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

House of cards

Picking at the flop that was the ‘flapjack experiment’ which I attempted last night, we joked about the forwarded email being circling this morning, of a modified one dollar bill picturing George Washington clasping his forehead with his hands in despair; simultaneously, our morning flick through Bloomberg started with red, block-capitals howling : “ MARKET CRISIS”, leading on to the president of the European Central Back, Trichet's solemn warning that the $700 billion plan must be pushed through “for the sake of the U.S. and for the sack of global finance”.

The global empire of the houses of cards is collapsing into thin air, starting from the very top peaks, leaving an empty space in the heights, which until lately, were occupied by the balancing compound of propped game cards.

It can be quite easy for the fat cats up there to become so caught up in their game, to then find owning up to inevitable defeat rather difficult. Like a game of monopoly really, the game will end, and the biggest winner n the game will be the biggest looser at the end of it, once all the cash is racked up and thrown in with the insignificant ‘economic bricks’ of monopoly’s realm.

The laws of gravity
After all, what is thrown up must come down and certainly the vertiginous heights to which market values have been racing on knitted expectations and virtual future expectations perhaps inevitably were destined to flop as no mega webs can withstand the pressure without solid bases.

A lesson? Perhaps.

We should be grateful
We could be lucky that a relatively small bunch of the main globe movers are crumbling quite 'steadily', one after the other, giving us that moment of lapse to slow down, take a step back and reshuffle our action plan of priorities -though as history teaches us, in the past governments have never quite grasped the earnest reality of critical warnings, each time choosing to postpone and ignore the crude realities until the gambling experiments would blow up, not their, but everyone’s face.

Looking back at many market crises in the past, one can easily dig out some documentary programme exposing today how some prominent decision maker or advisor 'knew all along' of the ratio of choices and realities begin gambled with, but, somehow -for pride or 'moral coherence'- leaders and shakers have chosen the honourable ‘suicide finale’, stubbornly choosing to sink [dragging all along with them], other than reversing on decisions and directions previously chosen.

Keeping it real
Will the glamorously exiting, eventful, quasi-Hollywoodian US Presidential show down concede the limelight in view of the realities facing the super power and the rest of the world, which is hanging from the US government’s lips?

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

What goes around comes around - A token to all those who try every day and sometimes wonder why they bother.

This has been a tough year under every imaginable aspect for many around the world, for some tougher, for others it has become normality

Perhaps it is just the way we perceive time and events; we tend to look back at yesterday with a shade of nostalgia that sweetness and blurs all those rough edges and see today's sharp details with such vicinity because we I’ve them now.

Many will feel a similar disappointment I often have felt in people around me in the past. A feeling of stupidity, anger and humiliation, of always falling for the same net we fling ourselves into, relying too much on the sensitivity of people, give them everything, straight away, without holding back thoughts or feelings or effort.

Along the way it is easy to start believing an old saying that kindness and politeness will only lead you to be seen as stupid and easily used.

But it is just recently that after a series of events were driving my motivation down hill, that a person, a doctor decided not to charge me for treatment, apparently because she liked me, only after a ten-minute short discussion.

The same with my suitcase that was mistakenly taken by another passenger on my flight last week; I had to pay the courier when he refused to, however the courier offered to run it to me at night after his shift ended, the same day as I told him i urgently needed some items in it.

From today onwards I will not feel stupid nor curse my self when I am too friendly, open or excusing with people. Because it is true: what goes around comes around.

It is too easy to let only the bad aspects in life turn us sour, corroding our ideals and hopes into mere vindictive competitiveness throughout life.

Always recognise even the smallest gestures that people do around you, and ignore those that might be hurtful or disappointing, whether done with spite of for pure clumsiness.

You might be surprised how beautiful life can be if you choose to focus on al those amazing things that happen around you every day of your life, that you take for granted.

Monday, 16 June 2008

9.7 million barrels of oil a day.

That’s how much oil will be oozing out from Saudi Arabia by next month after King Abdullah pledged to increase the oil production by half a million barrels to counter protests outbreaks and barely unmanageable food prices all over the world.
Come out of

Well done this blogger says!

While some minds rattle themselves searching for solutions to save this word, whose death appears catalyzed by us, I say: use it all up that oil; forget biofuels completely and go head on for nuclear energy.

Too much time and money is wasted away trying to defeat the black gold we do need, and cannot replace by biofuel unless we intend going for starvation.

Imagine the advancement of progress in the bid for harnessing nuclear and solar and wind if these were to get sole attention.

Catalyzing our End
Tail–chasing humanity should have learnt the lesson by now- on the brink of a global famine’s shadow – use oil until we have it, and forget biofuels which have only driven food prices up and anyhow, probably emit more CO2 than that saved when its final product is burned as fuel replacing oil.

In the mean time prepare for the end of oil supplies by investing in renewable such as nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, etc, trying to stay clear from those involving invasive action.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Bathing in knowledge

Bath of knowledge...
This bath is made entirely out of books which Vanessa cut and fitted together over a metal frame to form a bath of books, which is suspended by four antique bath tub, lion-shaped feet. She intends to later cover it in layers of resin and has already applied proper taps and drain, so that it will be a utilizable, functional bath at all effects.

The idea is of immersing oneself in knowledge, books, truths, and 'cleaning' or ‘purifying’ one's mind with from external, every day life bombarding from media, by reading ad reflecting on books,- ‘pure sources’, which is of course, metaphorical, implying we can become polluted by ideas of truths and knowledge, which we can only 'clean' by reading our way through to our own ideas and reflections.

Footprints were made by tracing her foot prints as she got out of the bath and walked over to the sink, on the right, which is filled with shredded pages, ripped from books. Under the sink is a stack of books. Vanessa also used pages to cut out the foot prints, which she glued on the floor, going from the bath to the sink.
The books are mostly old, hard cover, fiction and historical books. From the outside of the bath one can read the spines of some, as on the rim of the bath, which is covered entirely by book spines. In side the tub, open pages are laid out, so they can be read whilst lying in the bath.

Vanessa works mainly with books, light bulbs and plays with notions of knowledge, information, identity through knowledge, and tradition with all its imprisoning stereotypes and classifications in today’s society.

She also refers to food relating it to knowledge and generally to the concept of societies which thrive and become more centred on capitalist and consumerist modes, dictating lifestyle, life objectives and social expectations. Social ‘bingeing’ on classifying social identities according to force-fed notions and encoded schemes of a ‘free’ modern age in which we are unwittingly dictated by the capitalist virus in all of us, perhaps inevitably welded to our survival instinct.

I believe her work can be interpreted on many levels, also, within very sensitive topics, that I think many people, perhaps mostly women, but not necessarily excluding men, can relate to, as for example food disorders and sexual inhibitions through social pressures created by media dictating expectations.

On the right and bellow you see Vanessa signing the bath, having finished it (but still missing the resin coating to come later), after months of work in Canterbury.

Where would your mind flow to, if you were to loose your self in a bath of books, pages and words, only you- alone with those words?

Thursday, 5 June 2008

the author...

Vanessa Mancini

Vanessa has just finished her BA in Sculpture and early childhood studies.

Through many existential struggles that we all thread through, becoming who we are, she has grown stronger, and managed through this medium, to express what words cannot, and to incourage people to look further in ways that words cannot be more explicit yet so magnificently vague and interpretable.

No, I do not mean to be doing publicity, the aim is to offer visual inspirations to those who might not have time to look beyond their fast track city trajectories.

In an egoistic search of attempting to express what thoughts some of her works unlock in me and so doing, crystallising my own contemplations, I hope these will be at least appreciated and refreshing.

Lady in blue

I look at her lady in blue and wonder…

What defines a woman in 2008?- Beauty?-Propriety? Femininity? Independence?

Does gender define women in their femininity as sensual?

Have women really broken free through feminism in 2008? Equal career opportunities, freed from cultural expectations, to ware those skimpy miniskirts in broad daylight…for the fun of it, because they can?
…think: are those women depicted in sex and the city nothing more than rebels from stigmas that will for ever define women in one way or another. They are after all, only searching for something as class-climbing, or love-searching, family-searching and career –searching women through out the narrative.
How, in 2008 does ‘she’ become disgraced?

‘She’ looks misunderstood and probably, misunderstands herself. As do men probably in a world in which gender roles loose defining boundaries what is left for us to mark identity? Why should these two-way markers be cancelled in the first palce though, as these are inevitable logistics that make our world possible.

To cancel, deny and use hostage a marker leads only to the downgrading of markers, be it racism, classism or sexism.

Search to understand, express and look beyond.

Who is the Lady in blue...
The object, victim, or culprit?
Or only a woman within…looking out of a life-lasting shell, the birthmark of a sensual object, a sensual culprit…

In the words of Vanessa on what she searches through her work:
"In seeking to further my understanding of the visual culture, I do not wish to reproduce beauty or ornament.

Instead, I mean to experiment with values, already existing in every day to day objects surrounding us- imagery, senses and sounds, giving another chance to judge and perceive these through new perspectives.

Setting the right context means alienating the object from its prison of traditions, and stereotypical preconceptions, these take on new meaning and identity.

Over the past three years my processional development has embarked a path led by intertwining conceptual and contemporary ideas.

Technique and hand craft are shadowed in terms of importance and no attempt is made of capturing the literal reality in which we are conscious viewers.

I wish to experiment with the context in which realities are found."

…grazie Vess, I try to put in words how your thoughts’ forms have inspired my perceptions…

Plug your mind

by Vanessa Mancini,

Plugging in your mind...Is media killing thought and the discourse of literature?

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Art for thought

"Feast for the visually illiterate", by Vanessa Mancini

Light bulbs falling from a plate, suspended over fork and knife.

Yes, this is the work of my twin sister.

Recently I had abandoned this blog as too many things were happening and sometimes silence says more than words, even on blogs.

Whilst matters worsen in south Africa and in Zimbabwe, Pakistan’s government still is shaky and the nuclear squabble rights continues between, arguably, belligerent oppositions make no progress, this month this space will be dedicated to the works of Vanessa Mancini, who recently inspired me, distracting me from the world in which I usually get lost.

Hopefully these will inspire you too to spend some thought on things you take for granted.

Monday, 2 June 2008

Chasing our shadow

Still we chase our shadow.

Diesel, Bio fuel, Food prices, deforestation- playing with the thin thread delimitating life, searching to fight our own shadow and to fight life itself for something lifeless in its controlled existence.

...chasing our shadow.

Is it worth it?

Yes and no.

After all, it is the survival of the fittest. This vicious circle that we find our selves studded into. This circle that begins with the struggle for life and so, ends with its self-destructive nature

But then, nothing would be if it weren’t for the constant search and renewal of life replacing itself over and over again…

Food for thought

Be good to your self, by Vanessa Mancini, March 08

Chocolate coloured lightbulbs, painted and stuck onto solidified white foam resembling whipped cream, toping an open book.

Is all that you eat good for you? Do you know what it is exactly what you are eating?
Tasty emptiness?

Bellow the sketches for the sculpture.

"Fast food... fast thinking? or food for thought?"

Thursday, 3 April 2008

What are GPs for?

It seems to me that these people surely have one only aim: to win the battle of protecting their budget…from what?

Indeed, this might be biased, unfair and definitely [hopefully]does not represent all the community of GPs. Hopefully it is only my bad luck.

But after much frustration I have come to this conclusion.

These are the watchdogs of the NHS whose missions is to guard the mighty gates, protecting their budget, deviating anyone attempting to get any of it.

Recession scare? No problem. we'll save some cash through tightening the girdle round NHS!

Some foreigners say British appear careless with their health. ...No wonder.

It is a mission to get any health problem sorted out within les than half a year!

Who is to blame? Government, NHS or GPs? Start from the top of the food chain.

Unless you have a blue growth or green skin, it seems one does not need to be referred to a specialist.

You’ll be fine.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Wild donkeys face extinction

Wild donkeys in Cyprus face extinction due to the sport of killing them.

As reported by Reuters, a unique breed of donkeys faces extinction for this cause.

They say that locals shoot these wild donkeys for sport.

For fun, not for hunting. Just for fun.

I had to flag this atrocious story as it should not go unnoticed.

How can killing be a sport?

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Climate change bill for England

A step has finally been taken.

England might see its first climate change bill.

Will others follow suit?

As reported by Reuters on the climate change bill, on Monday the House of Lords will vote after the third reading, whether to pass the bill.

If the bill succeeds, the government would be legally bound to cut carbon emissions by 25 to 30% by 2020 and by 60% by 2050.

Cross our fingers!

Media's voice wasted

Yesterday's Earth Hour made a point, and although it was mentioned also on British news, not enough was done by the media to promote this symbolic hour.

While I watch and cringe at the sight of a web-shared video of some fifteen year old girl trying to sing to pop bands, broadcast on a national news channel, the waste of such a powerful voice listened to by a whole nation is very disappointing.

What are environmentalists fighting for?

"Those god dam hippies!

Stop crying! The world has been changing and dying every since it was born. Who do you think you are to have had such a 'great' impact on the planet?"

Is it really too late?

Do you think we are loosing our time for something we have no responsibility nor fault for?

Environmentalists and environmental bodies do not just exist to point at the grey fleck smothering the blue sky.

Caring and working for environmental causes is more than that.

It is about a burden called ‘responsibility’: aiming to mend the economy itself, culture, society and all beings, animals, humans and environment alike.

Ironically, many nations, in view of the Kyoto II, are frightened of submitting their greed in the name of our future.

Too many see the dilemma of climate change and industrialisation as a choice between one or the other, like oil in water.

These cannot be separate though, as the dilemma faces factors that are in fact components of one system. Economy cannot be alienated from climate, nor can the first be prioritised before the later.

Unless some nations are truly so egoist as to only aim for short term booming economies, it should be finally realised that slowing down will only save them [economies] from skidding dangerously off the racing track once resources inevitably finish, with no foundations left on which to rebuild.

Look at the whole setting from a rational ‘economist’ point of view, forgetting for the time being, that economists supposedly care only about capitalism;

One needs to take into account all needs that fuel and are produced for society.

Take the PPF (Production Possibility Frontier), which is a rationalised concept of allocating resources to achieve specific ratios of various products. Only a certain amount of all products can be produced in a matrix of proportions summing up to one.

If we focus more investment, territory and human resources on cultivating palms, then there will be less land to cultivate other agricultural products, animals and crops.

If, on the other hand, more land is used for growing animals, then there will be a shortage of palms and therefore of palm oil.

Industrialisation pushes the PPF limits upward, with less vital consumer goods, so those basic goods will become scarce and become more expensive than their intrinsic value.

Environmental bodies, I believe, are like an earthing stick, rooted deep in the earth, and by chipping away at governmental and industrial patience, pressuring them with seemingly ‘primitive emotional’ motivations, they tug at the rope of capitalisation, weighing it down from rocketing out of control.

But all that is asked for is the principle of respect toward ourselves, where we come from and where we live.

Respect to all things around us, because economies have not yet obtained a soul nor pain nerves.

Is cruelty to animals vital for our existence? It might be the fastest way of procuring whale and seal oil or fur coats. But with a minimum of integrity industries could go an extra mile and exploit in ways that would fruit economies and environment alike.

Why can governments not take the first step to reallocate lands and means to quell vacuoles painfully growing in the psychological and physical global reality?

Because: patience is not a virtue of humans and because consumerism reflects their very nature.

The most rational of all beings is driven to destroy the earth for irrational, useless greed for bulks of a life style which we do not need to survive; that in fact, will end up killing us.

It would be so easy for a country such as China(used as an example only for practical terms as it represents a huge work force and land territory) to dedicate all its resources into producing merely to export, hence becoming the richest economy of the world.

But there are needs for its people that include living standards.

These include a living space with breathable air, ambitions and ideals other than working in a factory, and culture by which to retain some form of ideological structure and identity.

Without agriculture, typical landscape and once basic utilities and products that characterised the average life of a Chinese (still using this nation only as an example), the person would loose every quality of life and China would have become a money-making machine where humans soon would not physically be able to breath the terrestrial air, nor remember their identity.

Inevitably this would culminate in a backlash.

So where do environmentalists come in?

To fight to maintain that underestimated balance between economy, industrialisation, culture and ‘life space’ for nature, animals and environment, without which we loose not only clean air, and wildlife, but our cultures, nations and identities.

All those 27 nations to pledge action against climate change and those yet ignoring this possibility, should get a reality check and ask them selves what they are gonna do:

Choose to go for the money race, running up into thin air, or, choose to stop and work to mend the soil they stand on.

Money still blinds some mouths ready to mutter "Kyoto II"

27 of the wealthiest countries will be expected to have decreased by 5% the percentage of green house gas emissions by 2012.

As reported by Reuters, this week Bangkok will host the next Summit on the Kyoto climate change plans.

Hundreds of nations will meet to fix a date when next to meet and plan the next step for Kyoto II to follow after Kyoto's expiry in 2009.

Unease still lines the frustrations of some nations over the difficult task of distributing 'fairly' the responsibility of cutting emissions.

Commitment to this cause will be tested.

While hopes to involve US, perhaps wth the new administration n 2009, others still appear reluctant.

As reported by Reuters, rapidly developing economies such as India’s and China’s will be reluctant to slow down their soaring success in view of a greater, longer-term investment for the good of the global community.

The two-year talks will end in 2009, Copenhagen, where United Nations will gather for the final Climate Change conference in order to establish the Kyoto II scheme.

Confidence and determination unfortunately are binding ingredients that still appear to be lacking from too many players of this gamble.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Google stands up for Earth Hour, apparently forgotten by ...

Following up on the Earth Hour to take place in two hours and 25 minutes, the most unexpected was noted.

Having monitored two main British news channels for a couple of hours, I was disappointed and puzzled nor to hear any reference made regarding the Earth Hour.

No mention at all.

On the other hand, if you go to Google's main page, you will see they one again have demonstrated to be one step ahead.

Not just as a research engine and more, but clearly have decided to use their powerful lime light to speak out to all.

The starting research page is not decorated with some fancy image but the page is pitch black.

The writing in white reads a clear message to all of us:

"We've turned the lights out. Now it's your turn - Earth Hour"

I wonder if at 8pm news channels will acknowledge this important hour or not.

Read Google's message on Earth Hour.

Earth Hour: SWITCH OFF!


No, we are not a bunch of disillusioned hippies, but this simple, symbolic gesture that all are encouraged to take part in today, is to prove that we all CAN make a difference in cutting emissions.

This evening at 8pm Earth Hour will take place: 42 cities worldwide will take part in this hour of solidarity for our earth.

This evening turn your lights off for one hour.

You can sign up and actively take part if you check out the website.

But tonight at 8pm, switch off.

The chess board trembles between NATO and Russia.

The sizzling spot light intensifies on Georgia and Ukraine as their intentions of joining NATO are being questioned and scrutinised by a distrustful Russian eye.

The thickening chess game veiling every comment between Kremlin speakers and NATO is becoming trickier as every move comes closer to upsetting the board for all players, voluntarily or not, in this game between two towering bodies.

Next week's NATO summit reverberates already with the ongoing warnings escalating between Russia and NATO.

It looks like Ukraine and Georgia are being cornered between the two: Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned of "playing with fire" as reported by Reuters, alluding to fears that the two countries might intend ‘ganging up’ with NATO to reclaim rebel territory.

Russia appears concerned of being invaded dangerously close to be monitored.

Cold War thrives still in suspicions and fears.

Yet perhaps, they have reason to object to such ganging up?

Winds of change for Cuba

Cubans wil soon be able to legally buy and posess their own mobile phone, computer, DVD player and DVDs.


It looks like a fresh breeze is to bring about changes in Cuba, or could it just be temporary malfunctions of global warming?

Fidel Castro's brother, Raul Castro, who recently officially became president after Fidel announced he would no longer intend taking back his post, is talking of some welcome concessions for Cubans.

DVDs, DVD players and especially mobile phones are a few of the gadgets and other commodities that were prohibited to the Cuban citizens until recently.

Now, in order to give Cubans more access as consumers to consumer goods, mobile phones will no longer be restricted to companies and government officials, but also to citizens, who will be able to buy mobile phones under their own name as well as computers and other gadgets.

This is a big change that underlines a major turning point in Cuba's history.

The nature itself of Cuba's identity, political and ideological is apparently about to make a major brake like that of the Antarctic ice shelf a few days ago, floating back into the reality of a world which communicates buys and consumes and only by so doing, is truly actively part of the global economy.

Cuba's economy as well as all sectors, education, culture, tourism, etc. will improve.

Lets just wait and see, hoping this is not just a buff manoeuvre for secondary purposes....


No words can explain my and many others' disperation at the hypocricy on which humans, and governments thrive on.

Look at this HEART BRAKING VIDEO from reuters of the annual seal hunt that just started on Friday in CANADA. The aim is to KILL MORE THAN A QUARTER MILLION seals (many of which are baby seals that have just been given birth to)

I know the sight is gruelling. I do not like watching these things. But if you shut your eyes, sorrow becomes just a comfort to your conscience.

Please send this to all your contacts, because the more awareness spreads, the more chances we have that these atrocities, one day will end, perhaps before it is too late.

How can this hypocrisy go on? How can such cruelty still be legal??


This goes for all beings.

YOU as individuals have the responsibility of consuming and acting responsabily.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Recession is already our shadow

Alan Greenspan made a statement of his expectations for the global economy.

According to Alan Greenspan, that the present economic crisis could be considered as the worst since the second world war.


Thursday, 28 February 2008

Power to the Chicks!

Tescos has doubled its order for free-range chickens after recent campaigns led, to expose the cruelty under which battery chickens are forced to live their short lives, has finally had an effect, as reported by the Independent.

It good news in a sector that had never really grabbed enough attention.

In the recent efforts by celebrities such as Jamie Oliver to emphasize the importance of consuming only free-range chickens, battery farmed poultry has finally seen a drop in sales.

Keep it going, we all can make a difference for the millions of lives out there, starting from chickens!

Tuesday, 26 February 2008


Today, most front pages has displayed big no-no headers on the nature and use of antidepressants.

Although Most articles conclude that these may be no 'better' than taking placebo substitutes, the probable truth, still is being shunned, perhaps because one needs to leave that string of doubt, enough not to send pharmaceutical companies in crisis.

Although, today's headlines are indeed a step ahead, it is not enough.

When are sufferers and friends and families of those taking these drugs, such as Prozac, going to step up and realize: no, they don't help.

In fact, they are like pouring petrol on a fire!!

Anti depressants can only make a person, in need of help, become more psychologically week, addicted and loose any self confidence left inside.

People who have taken them, know what I am talking about, although it is hard t admit, that no medication or magical concoction can pull you out.

Only help, communication and trust in ones self can light up one's fears.

Monday, 18 February 2008

Democracy in Pakistan competes US alliance to Musharraf in fight against Al-Qaeda.

Despite the majority of Pakistan's people having clearly expressed preference favour of the late Benazir Bhutto’s Pakistan’s People Party (PPP)
, braving what was, the physically life-threatening mission of voting, Musharraf appears to be stuck or incrusted to his greedily-guarded seat.

The PPP today will search to form a coalition with the other favoured democratic party, to force Musharraf’s exit, but Bush hopes the new government would cooperate with Musharraf, US’ main Muslim ally against Al-Qaeda.

Pakistan’s desperate struggle for democracy risks, once again, to bend toward ‘higher’ prioritised agendas, coming second to the fight against terrorism.

Sadly ironic though.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Kosovo cuts the strings

Already a few days ago, on Sunday, finally after a long trail of discussions, warnings and team games over this tiny [ex]fraction of Serbia, Kosovo declared itself, as planned, independence from Serbia.

The mainly Albanian-dominated parliament declared of Kosovo, concluded, with the majority of votes in favour with the statement of independence Sunday17th.

What is to happen next awaits us with a chilly shiver, behind that corner.

The focus shall quiver between the present situation in Serbia and Kosovo, but perhaps more decisively, between on those big players in the background: Russia versus West.

While Putin stated him self, only a few days ago during the Council session, that Russia is and will be, forced to continue barricading itself against the allegedly continuous, antagonistic stance that USA and the West have displayed toward Russia, NATO will need to take very careful, sensitive steps into its newly joined allegiances, as its vast shadow risks being perceived with already-defensive demeanour.

Tension had reached yet again a simmering point, when Putin announced his country would continue barricading itself due to the West's antagonistic stance, and threatening Ukraine, on the verge of joining the NATO, with pointed missiles if Ukraine were to become strategically used by NATO.

The strings are cut, but freedom easily tangles among other tightly-corded strings.

Russia's opposition to Kosovo's independence, undoubtedly ties back to fears of NATO’s eastward expansion, fears already displayed in the fierce objection and threats Ukraine was pressured under: Russia warned that missiles would be pointed toward the country, if it allowed for NATO to position defence systems in its territory.

One hopes all players keep their cool, especially now, when east and west are wriggle around the stickiness, approaching the Olympic Games of Beijing, turned dangerously political.

While Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said Kosovo had sent letters to EU countries requesting recognition, Russia urged UN secretary general to oppose Kosovo's independence, calling for an emergency un security council, of which Russia is a permanent member with veto power.

All 27 EU member have now recognised (some itchingly) Kosovo’s independence and Nato is ready to move forces to Kosovo, if needed.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Human Embryo cloned from Skin Cell

I Am Legend is one of the few Hollywoodian sci-fi films I can say to have appreciated.

The message is clear (ignoring the disappointing "happy ending"): meddle with life, and life will spiral out of control; try to further harness the malfunction and this will backlash even further.

That is the moral of the film as I took it: The imaginary scenario in which a cure for cancer is found, which ultimately causes those 'cured' to be mutated and de-humanised.

Is it right to interfere with life? Should scientists be playing with the creation of life?

Should we be able to manufacture and use life as we please to then cut up, and produce body parts like machinery components?

Well, what ever is right or wrong, science already has it, the first skin cell has been 'successfully' developed into an embryo.

No this is not a sci-fi film, this is true, and already past as it was announced already a week ago.

Like many people, I could wish for a cure to cancer to have existed two years ago when someone I loved, died from it. But I, as that person also did, believe in life as it is.

It frightens to realise that in a few decades we could be farming embryos as we do trees for matches and sawdust furniture, or like replacement parts.

Who dies and who survives?

Are WE, humanity to control this portal too now?

On one side far too many 'developed' countries and superpowers command death through legal systems; on the other, lives are to be artificially created to be snapped when needed.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Kenny Richey returns home after 21 years in prison

Kenny Richey should arrive tomorrow in UK after the ordeal of 21 years spent in prison in USA accused of arson and the involuntary death of a two year old girl.

One hour from being executed 13 years ago, his sentence was halted, and his life put on pause, once again until yesterday, when officially his case reached a final verdict after he pleaded 'no contest' in Ohio.

Imprisoned since 1987, he is to be free, having 'already spent' the years he was sentenced to in yesterday's court for entry breakage and involuntary man slaughter.

One cannot conceive of the infinite desperation of time he has lived, locked away for a crime that was not proven he committed.

Is that right?

Who has the right to steal 20 years of someone's life for a crime not proven?

Who has the cold courage to tell him that he will be freed, as he has 'already spent' the years convicted to him yesterday?

Not only is the death penalty a dangerous topic to venture into, as opinions differ sharply, but that of incarceration, and crime punishment is a vast debate, pulling many questions and aspects into cause.

Is the American judicial system moral? Are those of the European Court or other systems in Asia or Africa moral?

Law has to exist of course and it would be insane to pretend that a functional state could exist with no strict rules, but it seams to me, not enough attention and consideration is given to improving and developing this vital part of the judicial system.

Laws have to exist, so do punishments, but to throw away people that might never have caused any harm, voluntarily or involuntarily, is not only a waste of taxes, but a waste of human life.

It is not surprising to find this blind-folded mechanism often corrodes half-decent people into criminals, out of sour bitterness, thanks to faith in humanity dissolved into capitalist, capitalist and capitalist ideologies driving all other moral, political, and nationalist attitudes in most countries of our globe.

Cynical? Yes.

Not condemning a specific country, or institution, but the millennium’s worst disease, which I believe to be the dead-end race off the edge off the edge of reason.

I see bugs eating and destroying a planet, climbing a senseless pile resembling the tower of Babel, hoping the earth won't sink, not just yet.

A staggering step higher, up the pile of digits, as Oxygen get thinner, but the important is the digits get bigger, right?

I feel sorry for Kenny, I’m not sure though, whether for his shock in having to adapt to this virtual-run reality we now live in, or the meaning that life is moulding into.

Friday, 4 January 2008

What price do you give to life?

Who says buying free-range, organic chickens and eggs makes no difference?

Those attached to their pennies, more than to their usual fashionable talk of animal cruelty, while they go and stuff them selves with MacDonald's chcken nuggets and buy value chickens at supermarkets.

What price does decency have?

What price does life have?

Is it really worth the unconceivable pain and sufferance endured by chickens?

An article from today’s Independet says it all in, " The true cost of cheap chicken", by Martin Hickman, The Independent.

Watch the video shot by an animal welfare group, Compassion in World Farming(CIWF), which is also available via the link above, leading to the full online article on the Independent website.

It whtnesses the reality of chickens in mass-production farms.

Check this out: Compassion in World Farming:

Musarraf speaks on Bhutto's assassination.


“No intelligence, or secret service in Pakistan, I think, is capable of induction a man to do such a thing.”-says Musharraf on Bhutto’s assassination.

The president of Pakistan has called in help from England and France to investigate although many key traces were probably destroyed: he admitted it was perhaps, not a good idea: that of having ordered the site of the attack hosed down. (No comment…)

Bhutto’s husband decided to save Bhutto’s body from undergoing autopsy, explaining: “I know where and how autopsies are done here” (taken from BBC article).

Her supporters believe her death was caused by a gun shot at the head, but the government say she hit her head on the car during the explosion.

At any rate the elections will probably be postponed, and this, would only be right, in sign of respect of the yet sensitive mourning process for Bhutto.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Bomb explosion believed to be terrorist attack in south-eaast Turkey.

It was thought to be a terrorist attack,the bomb blast in Dyarbakir, south-east Turkey, in which 50 people were injusred, pssibly aimed t the military bus passng bye at the moment of the explosion.

In the area, the population is mainly Kurdish; the attack is thought to have been in response to recent Turkish military activities on both sides of the border, and in north Iraq, with the scope of containing separatist Kurdish militants.

Was it right for Turkey to enter north Iraq in the first place?

Although the separatist Kurdish rebells did antagonise Turkey with violence over last year, it seams the attempts of Turkey to put things right have only helped the friction increase, escalating rpidly out of control.

I believe Turkey should, and will join EU, but before, certain approaches need to be altered, resisting violent intimations, as, how ever testing this would be, it would probably end up better than reacting with force.

I feel for the Turkish, but two wrongs do not make a right.

Odinga speaks of genocide and insists for a peaceful protest.

“What I have seen today defies word […] one can only describe this as genocide. I have seen many dead children” -the words of Odinga, one of the main opposition leaders of Kenya, this morning on a report on EuroNews.

Watching the news this morning I was surprised while listening to a short report in which Odinga was visiting the morgues, result of the violence fired up after the allegedly mishandled elections; speaking the above sentence, his tone implied the fault of an opposing body.

How can he not see that as the whole world has being watching through news reports, that it is his supporters who also are causing this violence?

It is not only them, no, but his aggressive attitude does not inspire for peace either.

Why does he keep inciting his supporter’s unconstructive anger, worsening the violent situation with protests, when anyone, sane of mind, would know this will only bring more blood shed?

Protests are not needed.

Many would agree: the point of outrage has already been put across.

If he continues on this line without calling his people at to peace and trying to set the example of solving the issue in a democratic and peaceful way, or he will only be greatly part of the cause of the 300 people already died.

He might be intending for a peaceful protest, but, at this stage, a peaceful rally seams impossible to remain contained by already ignited supporters.

Perhaps if Leaders were to stop accusations of genocide, leaning on tribal sentiments, then less tribal

Kenya: Tribal tensions brink civil war

Kenya, one of Africa’s ‘most stable political systems’ saw 300 people killed, 35 of which, women and children burnt alive in a church hidden from an angry mob; this is the aftermath of the Presidential elections that took place Thursday.

Savage violence still runs wild amongst opposition supporters of Mr Odinga, after election results saw Mwai Kibaki’s re-election.

Supporters of Raila Odinga claim elections were falsified and call for Mr Odinga to be named winner.

Mwa Kabaki, who relied on the largest ethnic group, and Raila Odinga, who promised to defeat marginalisation of minor ethnicities, have both been exchanging accusations of corruption.

Outrage has ignited violence in Kenya as thousands flee their homes, in fear of armed mob and the threat of ethnic cleansing growing.

Tomorrow, Odinga’s promised rally threatens inevitable further blood shed, as his supporters demand justice, claiming democracy will only be possible once Odinga is made president.

Africa has come a long way but blood-tainted footprints continue to mark the struggle for Democracy.

Is this the true path though: claiming democracy as a double-bladed knife?

Benazir Bhutto's abyssal absence reverberates in Pakistan

Only a few days ago the assassination of Benazir Bhutto threw Pakistan in the whirlwind of uncertainty.

With the New Year changed for Pakistan was only the gap left by its most needed opposition leader after she failed to escape yet another assassination attempt.

Once again Musharraf has the lead and it seams, he is to continue the only game he's played recently: postpone the elections and then what?

How long this disarrayed status of Pakistan will stand is difficult to estimate.

At his first public speech he stated Al-Qaeda's involvement to the assassination but nothing is for certain and now England will send Scotland Yard to help in the investigations.

Benazir Bhutto is dead, but she made a point.

Her absence is just as strong (or stronger) than when she was alive and her determinations has stirred up the waters, which now need to be channelled to make a change in Pakistan for 2008.

Her son, Bilawal has been named successor of her fight.

Only nineteen years old he is to take up the task of driving the battle for Democracy in his mother's name, which he vowed to revenge.

The steps he walks into where filled similarly by his mother, when at an early age, she became the first female Prime Minster of an Islamic society after the assassination of her father.

This boy faces an arduous task with a traic history in his familly.

He is not alone though, with his mother's surviving passion and the world's eyes watching perhaps this time democracy will pierce the dead-end cycle of violence.